This will let you quickly develop the population of a province as well as improve your treasury. In the remaining settlements, prioritize economic buildings. Some buildings can only reach their top level (or can only be built) in a capital, so build them in these cities. These cities can be developed up to level five and have more building slots than other cities. In the province capital, prioritize high-level buildings. It will be easier to control civil unrest and the level of corruption, plus you will be able to issue commandments. Have entire provinces under your control.
You can reduce corruption simply by constructing the right buildings. The ideal situation for most nations is no corruption at all, so make sure it's on the lowest level possible (except for nations that are actually aided by it). Keep your eye on the level of corruption. While the population will rebel only if the level of order reaches -100, you still should make sure the order in your nation is at least on neutral levels, because low order also causes some other penalties. Make sure you've got order in your provinces.