Have you listened to any of Fryda Wolff’s other performances before? How does this one compare? The fact that we meet these characters while playing Mass Effect Andromeda adds to it.
The writing and the performance is top notch. What made the experience of listening to Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising the most enjoyable? Especially Sloan, who is just a perpetual ball of anger. Tann, Addison and Sloan are interesting characters, but they seem to miss the opportunity to really flesh them out. People bickering in a city-planning meeting gets old fast, and half the book is just taken up with how tired everyone is. They should have focused on more action, mystery and character interaction. If you could play editor, what scene or scenes would you have cut from Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising? Would you be willing to try another one of Fryda Wolff’s performances?
The plot drags, and the delivery is uninspired, which is surprising given the narrator's talents in the ME: Andromeda game.
I have enjoyed most of the previous Mass Effect books (and the games, of course), but this one was pretty disappointing. What was most disappointing about Jason M. This book wasn’t for you, but who do you think might enjoy it more?